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We are flexible on our rates, especially for longer bookings. Our passion is to help local musicians make awesome sounding recordings.
All rates include an engineer.

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$45 per hour (Engineer incl.)

Clienrts can schedule a free consultation about their project's role out. We will prodsuce a detailed strategy that outlines the action to be edecuted from beginning to the end of the contract.


Currently, we out source all of our mastering requirements. Our future goal is to be able to provide music mastering inhouse. Rates are determine by how much mastering production is needed.


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All expenses associated with mixing projects will be predicated on how much and how long the processing will take.. Packages are availble to accommodate custom projects clients may need.

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We have producers and engineers who have the capacity to produce all of your audio recording needs. Initial consultations are free. Rates are determined by what artists' production requirements are needed.

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